Taking a bath can be relaxing and therapeutic, it can relieve tired muscles and help us sleep better at night. I’m sure many of you are also aware, if only through Jane Austen’s characters frequent mentions of it, that bathing, and drinking the bath waters (I wouldn’t recommend it) was
For a Muddled Memory
Early modern medical treatises often included remedies for those who were finding themselves a little forgetful and for those who wanted to avoid having a muddled memory. This is something I could definitely use, I sometimes feel like my head is a colander with all the useful information trickling out
Heating the Body Healthy
As regular readers of this blog will be aware heat was a central component of the healthy early modern body, as long as it was moderate. Excess heat in the body could cause disease, but it was also a key component in many remedies. Medicines based on the humoural properties